Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Cumming Group takes corporate social responsibility seriously. We cultivate an internal culture of fairness, respect, and equality, where all team members are supported and provided with opportunities for training and advancement; we provide our clients with ethical and socially responsible service on all of our project assignments, no matter our role; we seek to partner with diverse suppliers and subcontractors to the fullest possible extent; we are committed to developing, promoting, and complying with forward-thinking environmental practices in our daily operations; and we continuously look for meaningful ways to give back to the communities in which we live and work, whether through volunteering, donations, or other charitable activities.

Our full Social Responsibility commitment and actions are included in Cumming Group’s ESG Policy and Performance Report.

Supporting Our Communities

Cumming Group has 50+ offices worldwide. In each of these communities, we seek to become an integral part of the neighborhoods in which we live, work, and play. There are many ways we do this, from donating money to local causes and participating in charity events, to cleaning up our shared recreational spaces and helping build and renovate homes for those who need it most.

It is our strong belief that we all possess the ability to help in some way, whether that means donating money or volunteering our time and energy to worthy causes. Join us in giving back to our communities and creating a world that cares.


  • Making Strides Walk

  • AleSmith Tony Gwynn Walk

  • Race for the Cure

  • Homeboy Industries Walk

Community Events

  • San Diego Beach Cleanup

  • Adopt a Family

  • Various Food Drives

  • Various Toy Drives