Yuma, Colo. (August 11, 2020) – After successfully securing a bond in 2019, and the recent completion of design, Yuma School District-1 (YSD-1) was able to break ground earlier this summer on major renovation projects across its middle and high school campuses. With the first project set to be completed this month, modernizations to the middle school classroom wing will mark the first of many successful updates to come for the local community and its students.
At the existing YSD-1 high school campus, a new 1-story addition is slated to be completed by late 2021, which will include career and technical education classrooms to help advance its partnership with Northeastern Junior College, staff administration offices, and a brand-new gymnasium for its students. Also scheduled for the high school are 22,530 square feet of general renovation and modernization projects, focusing on major safety and security upgrades, the reconfiguration of classroom spaces, additional exterior windows, and the replacement of outdated HVAC and electrical systems.
Providing project management services, Project One Cumming’s regional team is overseeing the much-needed additions and renovations.
Over at YSD-1’s middle school, the construction teams have been focusing on providing modern finish upgrades to classroom spaces and the onsite kitchen, replacing its existing HVAC system, as well as conducting an electrical service upgrade to the 7th and 8th-grade portion of the building. The team is on track to achieve completion of the classroom wing by the end of August for the start of school, which will mark the first completed project for the ongoing YSD-1 renovation program.
Site improvements for the YSD-1 campuses will include addressing bus loop, parent drop-off, and parking area needs for all three District schools. Site work at the high school will include a new CTE project work area, outdoor lighting and new signage, security fencing, practice field repairs, and various landscaping needs.
“It was imperative for the Yuma School District to reposition itself for today, while at the same time, actively prepare for the future by reinvesting in the community’s upcoming generations,” said Kristen Pyle, vice president at Project One Cumming. “We are proud to help bring the District’s goals to life by providing facilities that are safe for students, faculty, and visitors, and that also allow for expanded programs that will support workforce readiness for local industries. Helping create accessible and flexible educational environments in which all students can perform at optimal levels is something we take to heart.”
Funded by a bond measure passed by the local community last year, these projects will greatly enhance building safety and security, while also modernizing the school facilities and interior learning environments.
The District has also set CHPS goals for the renovations that are in alignment with the High-Performance Certification Program required by the State of Colorado. The Neenan Company is serving as the Design/Builder for the Project.
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Cumming is an international project and cost management firm with 30 domestic and six international offices, and approximately 1850+ team members. Since opening for business in 1996, Cumming has provided efficient and cost-effective solutions to ensure that projects in the commercial, hospitality, retail, entertainment, education, healthcare, and high-end residential sectors are executed on time and within budget. Cumming provides a solutions-oriented suite of services that specifically addresses its clients’ unique challenges, thus enabling them to achieve extraordinary results. For more information, please visit www.ccorpusa.com.
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